Author Archive: Neilon

Have A Guilt Free Christmas

Ok, so christmas is here and you’re piling on the pounds. Beating yourself over the head with the metaphorical stick to force to you in to the gym or to take control of your eating might seem like the only way you’ll get off your bum, but you’re actually setting yourself up for failure.

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Top 10 Reasons To Get A Personal Trainer

1. You’re Just Not Getting The Results You Want
2. You’re At A Loss At Where To Start
3. You Don’t Like Gyms
4. You’re Bored With The Same Old Workouts
5. You Want To Be Pushed
6. You Want Confidence To Workout On Your Own
7. You’re Motivated by Accountability
8. You Have A Specific Illness, Injury Or Condition
9. You’re Training For A Sport Or Event
10. You Want Supervision And Support During Workouts

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Why I’m running in the Brighton Marathon

OK, so the real reason I’m running the marathon is that when I was 13 the specialist said that I should never run and that I could end up paralysed just by running for the bus. Pretty much from that point it’s been at the back of my mind as an impossible goal that some day I’d like to conquer. I was never sure it would ever be possible.

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